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5 Issues That Cause Marriage Failure Beyond Cheating

Posted On: October 21, 2024

When wedding bells ring, few couples imagine their union might one day crumble. While infidelity often takes center stage in discussions of divorce, deeper, less visible issues frequently spell doom for marriages. These underlying problems, left unchecked, can erode even the strongest bonds. Here’s a look at five critical issues that lead to marriage failure beyond the specter of cheating.

Selected excerpt(s) and linked article courtesy of Digital Hearts, rollingout(dot)com
Royalty-free photo courtesy of Google's ImageFX

Concetta Spirio.  A Compassionate Collaborative Divorce Attorney, Mediator & Peacemaker Providing The Highest Level of Legal Representation For Over 35 Years.

#Concetta #ConcettaSpirio #ConcettaLaw #SpirioLaw #Marriage #Divorce #RealEstate #Litigation #Wills #Trusts #Estates #EstatePlanning #Mediation #CollaborativeDivorce #LongIsland #Suffolk #Nassau #Islip #Sayville #LGBT


10 Things To Do In The Off Season On Long Island, New York

Posted On: October 14, 2024

For travelers not daunted by bundling up, Long Island's off-season offers access to sights in a less hectic, more affordable way.

Here are some of the best off-season activities in Long Island to allow visitors to uncover the area's unique wintertime appeal.

Selected excerpt(s) and linked article courtesy of Purity Gacheri, thetravel(dot)com
Royalty-free photo courtesy of Pixabay

Concetta Spirio.  A Compassionate Collaborative Divorce Attorney, Mediator & Peacemaker Providing The Highest Level of Legal Representation For Over 35 Years.

#Concetta #ConcettaSpirio #ConcettaLaw #SpirioLaw #Marriage #Divorce #RealEstate #Litigation #Wills #Trusts #Estates #EstatePlanning #Mediation #CollaborativeDivorce #LongIsland #Suffolk #Nassau #Islip #Sayville #LGBT


4 Big Questions Couples Who Want To Live Together Should Ask Each Other, Especially If They’re Over 50

Posted On: October 07, 2024

Gray divorces (divorces for people over 50) can be very complicated because of lack of future earnings, resolution of retirement assets and how two people who plan to live together in retirement now must live apart in retirement.

Even more important once you are divorced, what if you want to live with someone again?  What are the ramifications of that decision and what are the things you should think about before committing to moving in with another person in an intimate relationship? 

This article addresses these concerns and some things you should really think about before taking the leap once again. 

Selected excerpt(s) and linked article courtesy of Jeanne Sahadi, cnn(dot)com
Royalty-free photo courtesy of Pixabay

Concetta Spirio.  A Compassionate Collaborative Divorce Attorney, Mediator & Peacemaker Providing The Highest Level of Legal Representation For Over 35 Years.

#Concetta #ConcettaSpirio #ConcettaLaw #SpirioLaw #Marriage #Divorce #RealEstate #Litigation #Wills #Trusts #Estates #EstatePlanning #Mediation #CollaborativeDivorce #LongIsland #Suffolk #Nassau #Islip #Sayville #LGBT


10 Intimate Love Quotes to Set the Mood in Bed

Posted On: October 01, 2024

I am surprised that some of these quotes made the article.  However, some I think are very worth while.  Take a look at the ones below...

Amy Bloom: Marriage is not a ritual or an end.  It is a long, intricate, intimate dance together and nothing matters more than your own sense of balance and your choice of partner.

Patricia L. Fry:  An intimate relationship does not banish loneliness. Only when we are comfortable with who we are can we truly function independently in a healthy way, can we truly function within a relationship. Two halves do not make a whole when it comes to a healthy relationship: it takes two wholes.

Selected excerpt(s) and linked article courtesy of The Blinkist Team, blinkist(dot)com
Royalty-free photo courtesy of Pixabay

Concetta Spirio.  A Compassionate Collaborative Divorce Attorney, Mediator & Peacemaker Providing The Highest Level of Legal Representation For Over 35 Years.

#Concetta #ConcettaSpirio #ConcettaLaw #SpirioLaw #Marriage #Divorce #RealEstate #Litigation #Wills #Trusts #Estates #EstatePlanning #Mediation #CollaborativeDivorce #LongIsland #Suffolk #Nassau #Islip #Sayville #LGBT


Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck's Relationship Timeline

Posted On: September 24, 2024

Splashed across the news after much speculation, it was finally revealed that Jennifer Lopez filed for divorce against Ben Affleck without an attorney on the couple's second anniversary.  It also has been revealed that the couple did not have a prenup.  It should be interesting to see whether this is resolved amicably outside the court systems by a settlement, which may be likely, especially since it was also announced that Ms. Lopez is not seeking spousal support. 

As we have tried to educate you, the public, there is definitely a better way than a litigated divorce...Mediation and Collaborative Divorce, and of course the importance of a prenup.  A prenup is vital and can help avoid many financial issues in a divorce.  Without one, things could get ugly.  If a couple is willing to work within the voluntary process of mediation and collaboration, much more can be accomplished in a holistic, non-toxic, private and confidential way.

If you have questions about either Mediation or Collaborative Divorce, please contact me at 631-277-8844.

Selected excerpt(s) and linked article courtesy of Joyann Jeffrey, today(dot)com
Royalty-free photo courtesy of Google's ImageFX

Concetta Spirio.  A Compassionate Collaborative Divorce Attorney, Mediator & Peacemaker Providing The Highest Level of Legal Representation For Over 35 Years.

#Concetta #ConcettaSpirio #ConcettaLaw #SpirioLaw #Marriage #Divorce #RealEstate #Litigation #Wills #Trusts #Estates #EstatePlanning #Mediation #CollaborativeDivorce #LongIsland #Suffolk #Nassau #Islip #Sayville #LGBT


Why People Divorce A Few Years After Marriage And When Divorce Risk Is Highest

Posted On: September 17, 2024

This article gets your attention with the announced filing by Jennifer Lopez for divorce from Ben Affleck on the anniversary of their second wedding.  This is the second time this couple has split after 2 years into their relationship.  The first time was years ago when they chose not to marry and the second time they actually filed for divorce. 

Although most people think newlyweds are blissfully happy, the first years of marriage can be turbulent and difficult.  

On the other end of the spectrum gray divorce has its own complexity.  Notwithstanding that both marriage and divorce rates declined in the USA, in general divorce risk steadily rises in marriage and peaks and then decline for most couples.

Selected excerpt(s) and linked article courtesy of A. Pawlowski, msn(dot)com
Royalty-free photo courtesy of Pixabay

Concetta Spirio.  A Compassionate Collaborative Divorce Attorney, Mediator & Peacemaker Providing The Highest Level of Legal Representation For Over 35 Years.

#Concetta #ConcettaSpirio #ConcettaLaw #SpirioLaw #Marriage #Divorce #RealEstate #Litigation #Wills #Trusts #Estates #EstatePlanning #Mediation #CollaborativeDivorce #LongIsland #Suffolk #Nassau #Islip #Sayville #LGBT


Attorney Concetta G. Spirio On How To Divorce In A Friendlier Way

Posted On: September 13, 2024

I hope you enjoy my interview on The Divorce Hour with Ilyssa Panitz...

Ilyssa Panitz:  Let’s debunk a common myth people believe when it comes to getting a divorce. It’s going to be expensive and drain me of my life savings. Not necessarily. According to The High Conflict Institute, approximately 20% of all divorces will be categorized as “contested or contentious,” meaning yes, you will probably have to hire a litigator, which could be pricey, to represent you in your situation. However, that still leaves 80% and if you and your spouse can be open, reasonable, willing to compromise and agreeable to a fair resolution, you will save a fortune in legal bills, lessen the stress, and animosity so you can put this matter behind you faster and get on with your life.

Concetta G. Spirio is a seasoned New York based divorce attorney, mediator, collaborative trained lawyer and Member of the Board of Directors for New York State Council on Divorce Mediation. Her goal is to resolve the outstanding issues in a divorce without going to court. Concetta says, “standing in from of the Judge should be a last resort,” and she explains how couples can ease the financial burden when it comes to dissolving a marriage.

Ilyssa Panitz: As an attorney with over 30-years of experience, you say there are other ways to get a divorce that are much more cost effective than litigation. What are they?

Concetta G. Spirio: Yes, collaborative divorce which utilizes a team of professionals to help a family navigate through a divorce and Mediation, which uses an independent neutral and review attorneys to submit an uncontested divorce. Both processes submit uncontested divorce packages to the Court.

Ilyssa Panitz: People do not realize they have the power to be the architect for their own future and control the divorces process. How is this possible?

Concetta G. Spirio: Staying out of the court system permits the professionals that help the family work towards a solution that best serves the family which can be creative and is not constrained by the narrow confines of how the court works. In other words, the parties can customize and design their own dissolution and distribution of assets, custody, visitation, parenting, etc.

Ilyssa Panitz: What is the bundle method and why is it growing in popularity?

Concetta G. Spirio: The bundle method is basically bundling different types of legal services at a flat fee. For example, we have a streamlined process available in a collaborative divorce. It permits the use of flat fee structure for certain limited services and the clients in essence have the ability to choose their services a la carte.

Ilyssa Panitz: In your professional opinion, what are some other alternatives people can economize their divorce?

Concetta G. Spirio: First, they focus on the family and the parties and not an adversarial divisive process of one side “winning.” Both collaborative and mediation are client focused to help the family resolve issues in a non-adversarial peaceful manner. It does not mean there is no conflict, however the conflict is not heightened by the adversarial process but instead diffused by the team of professionals available to the clients.

Ilyssa Panitz: I would love for you to elaborate on how each one works.

Concetta G. Spirio: Mediation involves working with a single neutral; to help the couple navigate all the issues that need to be resolved for a divorce. After they come to an agreement on all issues, then they will each need to utilize a what is known as a “review attorney” for the attorney to go over and make any suggestions on their behalf for the agreement and then ultimately the uncontested divorce packet must be completed for filing with the Court. Collaborative is the use of a team of professionals: two “neutrals,” a family specialist/facilitator (a mental health professional), a financial expert and two, collaboratively trained attorneys: each party has an attorney. The team works together to help the family resolve all issues. This is more economical because the work that is done by the neutrals is less expensive. An agreement resolving all issues is reached by the parties and drafted by the attorneys and then an uncontested divorce packet is prepared and submitted to the Court. In both these processes, the parties never have to step into Court, let alone walk by a Courthouse.

Ilyssa Panitz: You also represent a lot of New York couples in the LGBTQ community who are looking to get a divorce. We know why court is never the answer for any divorce action but why is staying out of court even more important for this demographic?

Concetta G. Spirio: Same sex marriage, although securing additional rights to the LGBTQ community did not solve all the issues faced by this community. In fact, when facing a divorce, there are additional issues now raised because same sex marriage and the laws covering divorce, do not cover the relationship that may have existed for these long-term couples prior to the legalized marriage.

Ilyssa Panitz: Although the overall divorce rate has gone down, the category defined as the “Gray Divorce” has seen an uptick. Why are they more complicated to resolve?

Concetta G. Spirio: Because of the intricacies of people in retirement or soon to retire who have planned their future retirement together and now having to divide those assets and still survive in retirement.

Ilyssa Panitz: Speaking of Gray Divorces, in New York where you are based, can the non-monied spouse receive both maintenance/spousal support and social security benefits in a divorce, should they quality to receive them?

Concetta G. Spirio:
 The simple answer is yes. However, if there are not sufficient assets to pay spousal support from a reduced fixed income, it may be problematic. The equitable distributions of assets may need to be adjusted to compensate for spousal support.

Ilyssa Panitz: Again in New York where you practice, if the monied spouse is not employed but able and educated to work, can the courts make that individual get a job if they are responsible for child support obligations?

Concetta G. Spirio: The Court may not be able to force a person to get a job, comparable to their past earnings ability, however, they can hold them accountable for child support based upon the income they could earn and adjust their share of equitable distribution to accommodate their shortfall.

Ilyssa Panitz: What if the party responsible for child support fails to fulfill that requirement?

Concetta G. Spirio: The entitled party can get a judgment and pursue enforcement. Applications for contempt and imprisonment can also be brought.

  • To learn more about “Same Sex Divorces” in New York State, check out Concetta G. Spirio’s recent interview on, “The Divorce Hour with Ilyssa Panitz,” which you can listen to here

Concetta Spirio.  A Compassionate Collaborative Divorce Attorney, Mediator & Peacemaker Providing The Highest Level of Legal Representation For Over 35 Years.

#Concetta #ConcettaSpirio #ConcettaLaw #SpirioLaw #Marriage #Divorce #RealEstate #Litigation #Wills #Trusts #Estates #EstatePlanning #Mediation #CollaborativeDivorce #LongIsland #Suffolk #Nassau #Islip #Sayville #LGBT


Why Unhappily Married Couples Stay Together For Adult Kids

Posted On: September 09, 2024

This article discusses why unhappy couples may stay together for their adult children.  Sometimes the value of having a solid family unit outweighs a person’s desire to have a romantically fulfilling love life. 

There is also the draw of staying involved with the children’s lives and ultimately in their grandchildren’s lives.  Sometimes a personal sacrifice of keeping the family unit whole without the discord of divorce is worth it to them. 

I do not think anyone goes into this situation with these goals in mind, but when they find themselves in a loveless marriage or no longer feel romantically fulfilling, these are some of their choices.

Selected excerpt(s) and linked article courtesy of Samantha Rodman Whiten, yourtango(dot)com
Royalty-free photo courtesy of Pixabay

Concetta Spirio.  A Compassionate Collaborative Divorce Attorney, Mediator & Peacemaker Providing The Highest Level of Legal Representation For Over 35 Years.

#Concetta #ConcettaSpirio #ConcettaLaw #SpirioLaw #Marriage #Divorce #RealEstate #Litigation #Wills #Trusts #Estates #EstatePlanning #Mediation #CollaborativeDivorce #LongIsland #Suffolk #Nassau #Islip #Sayville #LGBT