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Ron DeSantis & Moms for Liberty CRUSHED By School Board Election Losses

Posted On: August 27, 2024

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and the anti-LGBTQ+ group “Moms for Liberty” (M 4 L), had endorsed twenty-three (23) school board candidates who were aligned to their agendas. 

Fortunately, only five (5) candidates won, twelve (12) have lost outright; and six (6) were forced to do a run-off in November.

Selected excerpt(s) and linked article courtesy of Greg Owen, lgbtqnation(dot)com
Royalty-free photo courtesy of Pixabay

Concetta Spirio.  A Compassionate Collaborative Divorce Attorney, Mediator & Peacemaker Providing The Highest Level of Legal Representation For Over 35 Years.

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What Are The Most LGBTQ+ Friendly Cities In The United States?

Posted On: August 20, 2024

So, this is a recent survey that was released, ranking the 50 largest cities that support LGBTQ people.  This list considered several factors when ranking these cities.

It's not surprising that San Francisco has maintained the top spot.  But second place, Hartford, Connecticut, is a surprise.

Another surprise was New York City falling to number 20.

Previously considered gay meccas like Miami, Florida and Dallas, Texas both landed in the bottom 10 (no surprise my opinion).

Check out all the rankings...

Selected excerpt(s) and linked article courtesy of Bil Browning, LGBTQNation(dot)com
Royalty-free photo courtesy of Pixabay

Concetta Spirio.  A Compassionate Collaborative Divorce Attorney, Mediator & Peacemaker Providing The Highest Level of Legal Representation For Over 35 Years.

#Concetta #ConcettaSpirio #ConcettaLaw #SpirioLaw #Marriage #Divorce #RealEstate #Litigation #Wills #Trusts #Estates #EstatePlanning #Mediation #CollaborativeDivorce #LongIsland #Suffolk #Nassau #Islip #Sayville #LGBT


KY Clerk Who Denied Marriage Licenses To Gay Couples Wants Supreme Court Ruling Overturned

Posted On: August 12, 2024

The Kentucky clerk who denied a marriage license to gay couples and was denied her initial appeal to the District Court, to set aside a jury verdict against her that awarded the gay couple $100,000.00, plus an award of attorney’s fees which totaled more that $260,000.00. 

The clerk has now appealed to the United States Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals.  Included in her appeal, is the proposition that the Supreme Court decision in Obergefel (2015 Court Ruling Securing the Rights of Same Sex Marriages Nationally), should be overturned. 

This article details the basis of her arguments based on her religious grounds. 

Selected excerpt(s) and linked article courtesy of Karla Ward, aol(dot)com
Royalty-free photo courtesy of Pixabay

Concetta Spirio.  A Compassionate Collaborative Divorce Attorney, Mediator & Peacemaker Providing The Highest Level of Legal Representation For Over 35 Years.

#Concetta #ConcettaSpirio #ConcettaLaw #SpirioLaw #Marriage #Divorce #RealEstate #Litigation #Wills #Trusts #Estates #EstatePlanning #Mediation #CollaborativeDivorce #LongIsland #Suffolk #Nassau #Islip #Sayville #LGBT


The 7 Best Pieces Of Marriage Advice I Ever Got From My Parents

Posted On: August 07, 2024

Of course, number 1 is choosing the right person.  What's interesting is, according to this article, a man usually knows, statistically within six months, whether he wants to marry a woman.  What is more accurate for all is that most people will drop their best behavior mask within 3 months, so you have a better idea of who you are dealing with.

Selected excerpt(s) and linked article courtesy of Ossiana Tepfenhart, yourtango(dot)com
Royalty-free photo courtesy of Pixabay

Concetta Spirio.  A Compassionate Collaborative Divorce Attorney, Mediator & Peacemaker Providing The Highest Level of Legal Representation For Over 35 Years.

#Concetta #ConcettaSpirio #ConcettaLaw #SpirioLaw #Marriage #Divorce #RealEstate #Litigation #Wills #Trusts #Estates #EstatePlanning #Mediation #CollaborativeDivorce #LongIsland #Suffolk #Nassau #Islip #Sayville #LGBT