The Latest News September 2019


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Can Someone Be Fired for Being Gay? The Supreme Court Will Decide.

Posted On: September 30, 2019

On October 8th the Supreme Court will be hearing oral arguments on three cases that raise issues of employment discrimination and the LGBTQ community and whether their rights are protected under Title VII, which prohibits employment discrimination against race creed or sex.  The cases before the Supreme Court will determine the interpretation of the Title VII statute and whether gender expression, sexual orientation, and transgendered individuals will be part of the protected class under sex discrimination.

In almost all 50 states employment is “at Will", is the law, which means you can be fired or let go at an employer’s whim for any reason or no reason at all.  They do not have to have cause.  However, if an employer terminates an employee who falls within a protected class (such as race and sex) then such termination is illegal and is a violation of federal law.

We can only hope that the court rises to the occasion and recognizes that the LGBTQ community should be protected from discrimination.

Selected excerpt(s) and linked article courtesy of Adam Liptak for The New York Times.
Selected photo courtesy of Audra Melton for The New York Times.


People Who Are Still Married To Their High School Sweethearts Are Sharing Marriage Advice, And It's Too Wholesome

Posted On: September 24, 2019

If you’re planning for your marriage to last long-term, here are some tips from people who married their high school sweethearts...and have stayed married!

• Expect and give each other time and space to grow and change
• Honest and open communication
• Support your partner in public and hold criticism and any argument until you’re in private
• The little things matter...saying thank you and please...paying attention to each other’s needs...asking how was your day, listening to the answer and sharing each other’s day and concerns
• Having true down time together to stay connected
• Practice forgiveness
• Know when to let things slide...choose when and if to complain
• Truly respect and trust each other and if you don't have that, maybe it’s time to figure out why
• No matter how long you are a couple, recognize you are not one single each will have different interests and it’s ok to explore them alone
• Pick and chose your battles, never argue with personal attacks, communicate and embrace compromise AND NEVER go to bed angry
• Support each other and always have each other’s back...stick with each other and stick up for each other
• Be best friends
• Try and get along, or at least respect the not impose a separation or distance with family unless your partner creates that for themselves

Selected excerpt(s) and linked article courtesy of Allie Hayes of Buzzfeed.  Pic courtesy of Pixar.


Money Stress Traps Many Women Into Staying in Unhappy Marriages

Posted On: September 18, 2019

Many people stay in unhappy marriages for "the sake of the children", but more and more women are staying in marriages because they are financially trapped.  Studies have shown that woman are typically more stressed about money than men and that money is the top cause of stress for Americans in general. 

One point that this article makes that is very interesting is that "for many, talking about money is more difficult than talking about sex - even in the therapy room". 

When there are children involved, stress level for parents regarding money is significantly higher.  The US Department of Agriculture says that the average cost of raising a child from birth to age 17, is approximately $233,610.00 and that does not include the cost of a college education which could easily run up to $200,000.00 per child. 

This is another reason why a collaborative divorce is a much healthier way to work out difficulties in a dissolution of a marriage.  There is a team of professionals, including financial advisors and accountants, who are there to help couples work through the difficult financial circumstances that they may face.

Selected excerpt(s) and linked article courtesy of Stacy Francis, CNBC.  Picture courtesy of sarahwolfephotography | Moment | Getty Images.


No Court Divorce: Collaborative Divorce & Mediation

Posted On: September 11, 2019

When staying together is impossible, angry emotions can take over.  This is when the most damage is done, especially for children, who are most vulnerable in this situation.  The solution is a process which brings parents to a fair agreement quickly.  The solution is Collaborative Divorce.

I look forward to helping you reach an agreement that protects you and your family for the future.

Thank you.

Concetta G. Spirio
A Compassionate Collaborative Divorce Attorney, Mediator & Peacemaker Providing The Highest Level of Legal Representation For Over 32 Years.

350 Moffit Blvd.
Islip NY  11751


The 4 Most Common Reasons for Divorce

Posted On: September 04, 2019

Pursuant to recent research and this article, it appears that there are new reasons why couples are getting divorced.  This recent study showed that 47% of the participants (of approx. 2,400 divorced people surveyed) said that the choice was due to a lack of love or intimacy, either because one or both parties fell out of love.  The second most common reason, (44% of the participants), said that there were communication problems. 

It is important to keep honest, open lines of communication.  Be kind to one another and keep things fresh.

Selected excerpt(s), photo and linked article courtesy of Samantha Lauriello of and PEOPLEIMAGES/GETTY IMAGES.