Proud to have participated on a panel today speaking at the New York State Bar Association’s (NYSBA) Annual Meeting on LGBTQ Issues in ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) and how our community is better served by ADR!
LGBTQ+ issues have arisen more and more frequently in arbitration and mediation. Those issues include implicit bias of the arbitrators and mediators, and involve workplace issues, family law matters, trusts and estates, among others.

Concetta Spirio. A Compassionate Collaborative Divorce Attorney, Mediator & Peacemaker Providing The Highest Level of Legal Representation For Over 35 Years.
#Concetta #ConcettaSpirio #ConcettaLaw #SpirioLaw #Marriage #Divorce #RealEstate #Litigation #Wills #Trusts #Estates #Mediation #CollaborativeDivorce #LongIsland #Suffolk #Nassau #Islip #Sayville #LGBT