
Fed Up With Divorce Refusals, Orthodox Women Seek Changes To Domestic Abuse Laws In New York


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Apr 26, 2022

Many people don’t realize that in the Orthodox Jewish religion, although a person can obtain a divorce from the Civil Court system, unless they are granted a “Get” from their husband, they cannot get divorced in their religion.  This means that their religious community can ostracize them.  In fact, Jewish women whose husbands refuse to divorce them are known as “Agunot” meaning “chained”, because they are still tied to their estranged husband and unable to remarry under Jewish law.  For these men who choose not to grant a Jewish divorce to their ex-wives, they are asserting a type of control over their life that is equivalent to domestic violence. 

The United Kingdom recently expanded their domestic abuse legislation to make withholding a “Get” a potential crime. 

In this article, Orthodox activists are pushing New York State to adopt a broader domestic violence legislation. 

It's time that all woman are “unchained”.

Selected excerpt(s) and linked article courtesy of Jacob Henry, Forward(dot)com
Royalty-free photo courtesy of UnSplash

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